It's Tuesday already?! The week is totally FLYING by!!!!!!
Man, I don't even want to think how fast the summer is going.........wow!! But I don't have to go back til August 6th, so that's good. I gotta enjoy every minute of it!!! Britt and Matt don't go back til the 14th, I think. LOL
I have been cleaning my house the WHOLE day.........its nice to say that the house looks really good and neat!!! Not gonna stay like that for too long, the kids are gonna tear it up and I'll be back to cleaning it tomorrow haha. Oh well, that goes with having kids. I'll post a picture of my house at the end of the post, so ya can see what it loks like. Its pretty big and usually takes about 2-3 hours to clean............that's counting the upstaris as well. But anyway, I'll quit taking about my house.
I'm getting ready to go cook dinner. And hopefully, it turns out better than last night........I burnt some chicken nuggets. LOL don't ask, looong story! But glad to say that the rice came out great actually!!!
Well, I'll go now. And going to post the picture now!
Enjoy and have a great evening.
Post later..