Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lovin' today!!

Saturday Greetings to everyone.....
If you haven't noticed, I'm starting to change the font type and well as the color of the text. Needed to change rather than just the plain, old boring BLACK text. LOL!!!!!! So from now on, each day will be a different color. Cool, right?!! Maybe not, but okay.

Had a WONDERFUL day with the hubby. Went to eat and are now home about to watch some movies! This morning, Mark cooked me breakfast in bed..............which was SO sweet!!!!! If you haven't read my other post, the kids are away for the weekend so Mark and I got the weekend alone....which was great on our half. But anyway, we ate at a pasta place and boy was it good!!!!! I LOVE pasta......give me that and I'll love you. lol
Mark is taking a shower right now, so I just decided to post a blog since I didn't get the chance to do it this morning. Forgive me.........been 'enjoying the moment' with Mark. He is such a wonderful him to death!!!!! Anyway, we gonna watch about three movies we rented. Hope they are good.
Crossing my fingers.....LOL
Well, think he's getting out the shower now.
Post you all later.
Good night and sweet dreams!

Friday, May 30, 2008


Hi to everyone!!
So, it's FRIDAY!!!!!! Normally, I would be more than excited because when it's Friday during the school year, I am SOOOOO happy. LOL but I am still happy it's Friday. Get to spend some time w/ hubby cuz he's off of work. Ever since we had kids..........we never really have any time to ourselves. But this weekend, my daughter is going to a friend's house & my son is going with his friends mudriding.....I don't get how he loves to do that. Too dirty for me! Hahaha, but anyway Mark (my hubby) and I will be going out to dinner on Saturday (tomorrow) and then come back home to watch some movies. So, it's gonna be a calm night and boy, am I excited!!! NO KIDS to bother us, but I know its gonna go by fast lol.

Sorry about not 'posting' in a few days...been really busy. But know that I will keep posting on here ;-)
Brittney has found herself a boyfriend (YIKESSSS!) and even though he seems nice, I don't want them doing anything in kissing, or having intimate moments. LOL I am over-protected with things like this. But I know Brittney won't do anything wrong, or at least I hope so. Anyway, we'll see what happens.
About to go take a walk with Mark........the kids will be leaving @ 4, so we have just a little more time with them.
Talk to you soon or as some of you may say 'Post later'.
Have a GREAT weekend!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weekend is here....

Wow, so the weekend is finally here and school is out for the summer!!!!! Let me tell you, I am so happy. Feels like it took FOREVER to get here........LOL but I am really happy that its here. Had a 'retirement' party for one of the thrid grade teachers that is retiring, on Friday! It was nice...but if I get the chance to do so, I'll post some pictures.

So sorry about not being able to 'post' a new blog in the last few days!!!! I have been busy w/ getting out the students' grades and report cards and getting all my stuff in my classroom packed I will be moving to another classroom two doors down. So, it's gonna be an adjustment. My daughter has her dance revue coming up, on June 7th @ 4:00, at a local theatre. It should be really nice. And I've also been busy getting things ready for the new baby........went to the doctor on Monday and everything was fine!!!!!!!!! What a relief! We are still looking forward to June 19th, when the baby comes. Ahhhhhhh, we can't wait. And some people have asked me if it's a boy or girl and truth is....we don't know yet. So, it's gonna be a surprise. :-)

Anyway, we have to go to our son's last baseball today. He can't wait for it to be over, he says he needs a break. Which, I can't really blame him.........he had 13 games this season. My husband has been practing with him these last few weeks, so we'll see. But I have to head out now, talk to you all soon!


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Happy Sunday!

Sunday Greetings to all!!!

Can you believe the weekend is almost over???!! Ugggh, I can't!! School tomorrow.......but I can't really complain because there's only five more days left in the school year, so it's alright.
And the students leave us on Wednesday, as that is their last day. But of course, the teachers just have to stay LONGER. LOL!!!!

I'm still trying to post the pics of Brittney's friend's dance revue....but having a slight problem w/ doing so. Trying to get that done now.. Don't know what the problem is! I can see why my sister gets annoyed w/ all of this computer stuff. As she would say, "I'm done with computers. Fuck this"!!!!! LMAO. She is crazy...but trust me, I'm so not like her ;-)
Tomorrow we go to check up on the 'bun in the oven'. It's after school, so at least I'm not missing teaching or anything. I'm hoping that the baby is doing okay, but I'm sure it is. It kicks the heck out of me at night...but all in all, this was a good pregnancy. But I can't wait til June 19th.....when the baby is due. I can't wait to see what he or she looks like. My son can't wait either....the daughter is kinda not 'too excited'. And the husband.....more than excited. Haha, so we'll see.
Talk to guys soon!

~ Dana

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Yay.....the weekend!!!!

Hi guys!!

So, it's the weekend and can I metion how much I LOVE the weekends?! Haha, they are awesome. No getting up to go to school early and getting the kids off to school. Boy, frankly, 2 days is not enough for me. But summer is almost here....3 days left of school and I'm done!!!!!!!! LOL, well nevermind, the teachers have 5 more days. It really stinks having to stay two more days to do 'teacher' stuff. Hello, I'm pregnant and am due next month............can't be moving too much. Anyway, I'll live.

Today was great!!! My daughter's friend had her dance review and really did a great job. I'll show you guys some pics soon. My daughter (Brittney) dances as well. but at a different place and has been dancing for 13 years.......she loves it. Her review is actually coming up soon. Can't wait.....she is in four dances. 1 solo, 1 jazz dance, 1 ballet, and 1 tap. It's a job having to keep up w/ all of this. But she loves it, so what can I say? LOL ;-)
Anyway, I'm tired and need a rest. Catch you guys later!!!


Friday, May 16, 2008

Just pictures....

Just thought I'd let you guys see some pictures of my family and me.... here are some of my daughter and me (before I was pregnant, haha) and just some of me.
And one recently pic of my pregnant belly......I went to a studio last weekend and took some beautiful photos.

Hi and Welcome!

Hey everyone...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just made this blog for my friends and family to keep up with me, but anyone is really welcome to see it. I will soon be writing my 'about me' people who don't know me, can get to know me LOL. And sorry about the 'spelling error'. It's supposed to be spelled 'Adventure'. Crazy, right?! Where is my mind today......

But just to fill you in on a lil' about me: I have been married for a wonderful 16 years.....which makes me 39. Old I know :( LOL but I'll get over it. I have two beautiful children with Mark (my husband). The oldest is in 8th grade....soon to be a freshman and my son is in 6th grade....soon to be in Middle School, joy... And I'm currently pregnant with out thrid child. So, things are crazy right now in my household.

Anyway, I hope you visit my blog often....I will try to post a blog every day. I would LOVE to meet some new friends. Thanks again and have a great weekend!!

~ Dana