Saturday, May 17, 2008

Yay.....the weekend!!!!

Hi guys!!

So, it's the weekend and can I metion how much I LOVE the weekends?! Haha, they are awesome. No getting up to go to school early and getting the kids off to school. Boy, frankly, 2 days is not enough for me. But summer is almost here....3 days left of school and I'm done!!!!!!!! LOL, well nevermind, the teachers have 5 more days. It really stinks having to stay two more days to do 'teacher' stuff. Hello, I'm pregnant and am due next month............can't be moving too much. Anyway, I'll live.

Today was great!!! My daughter's friend had her dance review and really did a great job. I'll show you guys some pics soon. My daughter (Brittney) dances as well. but at a different place and has been dancing for 13 years.......she loves it. Her review is actually coming up soon. Can't wait.....she is in four dances. 1 solo, 1 jazz dance, 1 ballet, and 1 tap. It's a job having to keep up w/ all of this. But she loves it, so what can I say? LOL ;-)
Anyway, I'm tired and need a rest. Catch you guys later!!!


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